Make your request and your driver will be there in no-time to pick you up! When arrived at your destination, just leave the car, payment is just seamless!
We are always around!
24/7 day and night, every day, every weekend, every week days, every holidays you can count on Brixlane. We here and waiting for, just tap the bottom and we will be there to pick you up!
Every budget, Every luxury count on Brixlane
Every needs, every wish, use our low-cost service or request our VIP-Luxury service! If you need more space with your friends, you can count on our Van service!
All taxi drivers which connected to the Brixlane platform must have a electric car.
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Stories From Your Personal Drivers
"I have never felt so comfortable and fortunate before! Brixlane Chain gives me everything I was looking for in years!."
Jay Flemming, Driver and Private Teacher
"To be part of Brixlane Chain, makes life easy for me and my family! I can do the things which are really matters in life to me and give me the space I needed to spend time with my family and friends and still makes money."
Rachid Bouchari, driver and football coach
" Certainty is the most important thing in life and this is what you have as a driver of the Brixlane Chain! When you're at home or away for some holidays, you don't have to worry about your earnings, because your colleagues are at work for you and when you're back, you're gonna work for them so that they can enjoy their well deserved holiday or non-working days"
Richard Jones driver and father of three children